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  HEULIEZ BUS has always been in the very forefront of innovation, relying on a successful past and long-standing know-how. 

 At the dawn of the 19th century, is found the first cartwright in the Heuliez family. A century later, his grandson, Adolphe, developed the Cerizay cartwright workshop in Poitou. It is a member of Spanish company-Irisibus Group.

  Covering 3 market segments, this full range is available in 4 lengths (9.42 m, 10.65 m, 12 m and 18 m long), 2 widths (2.33 m and 2.55 m wide), 3 types of motorization (diesel, CNG and hybrid) and different levels of customization until BHNS (high level of service = BRT) concept.

  From a standard body, HEULIEZ BUS is able to offer several interior equipments and thus propose its customers vehicles with a valued image and adapted to their own operating conditions.

Heuliez Bus
地址:BP 27 - 79700 RORTHAIS
      (Poitou Charentes) France
Tel : 33 (0)5 49 81 07 07
Fax : 33 (0)5 49 81 09 91


  现在Heulinez公司主要生产城市客车产品,包括GX 117和GX 317两大系列。其中GX 117低地板城市客车的一级踏步高度仅有320毫米。而GX 317系列除了有普通柴油动力之外还可以选装天然气动力。随着Heulinez客车公司被Irisbus集团收购之后,其产品系列目前正在逐步扩大。
公司:Heuliez Bus
地址:BP 27 - 79700 RORTHAIS
      (Poitou Charentes) France
电话: 33 (0)5 49 81 07 07
传真: 33 (0)5 49 81 09 91

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