挪威锐气公司(Hexagon Ragasco AS)
As the leading manufacturer of composite LPG cylinders, Hexagon Ragasco has sold around 8 million cylinders worldwide over the last 15 years.
Using state-of-the-art technology at its production facility in Raufoss, Norway, Hexagon Ragasco’s products are unique and provide many advantages over traditional steel cylinders in terms of safety and user-friendliness.
The high-volume highly automated production facility in Raufoss, Norway is the most advanced of its kind world-wide. We are committed to quality, safety and innovative solutions that add value to our customers and preserve our environment. Since their introduction in 1996, our products have been offering enormous advantages to all concerned in the value chain: from gas companies to private and state-owned gas distributors on all continents and most importantly, to the end-consumers.
As a global leader, Hexagon Ragasco is committed to ensuring competitiveness and profitability in its operations.
Hexagon Ragasco AS
Add: Raufoss Industrial Park B306, P.O. Box 50, 2831 Raufoss, Norway
Telephone: + 47 61 15 16 00
挪威锐气(Ragasco)公司是全球领先的压缩天然气和液化天然气存储设备生产企业,公司使用非金属材料(碳纤维等)生产压力罐产品,实现安全防爆。2001年,Ragasco由奥斯陆证券交易所上市公司Hexagon Composites公司完全控股。Ragasco公司在委内瑞拉和墨西哥建有生产工厂,产品销售至世界各地。2008年,挪威的生产工厂制造和销售了90万个压力罐。2008年,公司经营收入达到3.26亿挪威克朗,营业利润超过4500万挪威克朗。
Hexagon Ragasco AS
地址:Raufoss Industrial Park B306, P.O. Box 50, 2831 Raufoss, Norway (挪威)
电话: + 47 61 15 16 00